Saturday, July 24, 2010

Dog From Hell

There's a feeling that I just kind of discovered today. Not that I was the first one to ever feel this feeling but rather I've just today conceived and registered it as a feeling that can be felt. You know it, too. It's that feeling you got when you were little. You had a friend stay over night and the next day, when they left, there was that utter dullness that was left behind. You were having a blast for a full 24 hours. You had a companion who was totally down to do whatever you wanted to do and vice versa and it was just constant fucking fun. And then it was over. It's like coming down from a high. Everything around you loses its appeal and your life just feels lame.

This is what's happening right now. For the time being, everything in this apartment is fucking dull. The guitars sit on their stands un-played and the books sit on the shelf un-read. The phone hasn't made any kind of noise in the past 12 hours. The fan is shaking its head, "no" in slow motion. Movies are too much of a commitment. I did trim my beard, however, for about half an hour. That was fun.

Honestly, I've become bored with writing this. I can't decide if I just want to publish it as it is or just delete it.

....fuck it.

1 comment:

  1. Harley-Davidson Pet Accessories includes, leashes, collars, toys, beds, bandannas, jackets, goggles and eating dishes.
